Monday, January 12, 2009

My email to Sunnetwork

I was just going through your website and was really impressed with the depth of your reach with the south Indian audience; however I did notice a few things that could be missing in the shining portfolio that you have in your network.
One of the things that really stand out is the 'Awareness Quotient'
aka AQ. By Awareness Quotient I mean the actual value of information that you give out to your audience to the perception of value tied to the information provided. I believe this is at around 35 % to 43% based on my analysis so far. The reason for my estimates being such a low number are:
- About 95 % of the state (Tamil Nadu) is not aware of the financial
budget the Government of Tamil Nadu handles. About the same % of people are unaware of the annual financial aid that we get from the central government.
- Approx. 87% of the people of Tamil Nadu are not aware of the number
of Ministries that exist under the jurisdiction of the Government of Tamil Nadu. Less that 1% of people would be actually able to name all the Ministries let alone knowing their role.
- Less than 2% of the people would even understand what the Trade
Deficit of the state is let alone the Trade Deficit of the country.
Just and FYI we are the fifth most borrowing nation in the whole world and I am not sure as Indians we are even aware of something like this.
- Less than 5 % of people are aware of what a cost center and revenue
center for the state government is let alone the cost cutting initiatives.
There are many more that I can go on laying out but these are a few things that the people (your audience) should be made aware of.
While the information you bring to your audience is commendable and of course your reach is much more prolific than most of your competitors, the AQ factor is not as exemplary as I would have expected it to be.
Rather it is abysmal and does not grab the attention of the millions of people that your network or any of your competitors is able to influence.
I was going through the 'About Us' section of your website, and noticed the statement 'SunTV Network believes in giving you wholesome fare. Be it news or entertainment, we are there first. If it is happening South of Vindhyas, its on SunTV Network. And you are a part of it. With Twenty channels in four Indian languages and Forty Three FM Radio stations, we are able to connect India, erasing geographical distances.' It is definitely a good introductory statement, but I am sorry to say that the only aspects that you deal with are news and entertainment. Education is not part of your network. I would rather watch a discovery or national geography than watch the news that is available in 50 other channels. The reason behind me highlighting this is the firm belief that your network could do more in educating its audience about Tamil Nadu, India and the world rather than overloading them with the mega serials and other programs that are of lesser value.
I know for a matter of that the CEO of your company is very well educated and is trying hard to keep your network in business and also bring awareness among the people. But in the heart of my hearts I sincerely believe that your organization and all of your network employees as a responsible citizen of the state of Tamil Nadu could do more to bring to the people the real value proposition.
Now going back to the question for your network:
What is the value proposition that you bring to the table that other networks do not?

My name is Gouri Sankar Chandrakumar, and this is part of my sincere efforts to make the people of Tamil Nadu and India more aware of things that I believe should be important to every humanbeing.