Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The pain of losing money

I guess I have survived the last couple of blows that Wall street has been giving me.... man... loss of over 1200$ and still counting. The good thing about the whole episode is I can still see the positives in this... lol... yea I am stilltrading and learning my lessons the hard way. My main problem is I do not have internet access at work for like a week nowand so there is no way I know what has happened all through the day... and only get to see my DABBU disappear after a dayswork trying to make it. Well wish me luck .... and I will do the same when time comes.

I think the title would have been better if it said "The pain of losing DABBU that you made while sleeping". I am open to suggestions.


Trying to find my way

I am not sure what I am doing on my current project...everything seems so misoriented. Its been like a week, I am still notclear as to what my role is eventough they keep on saying I am the lead... LEAD for what and who am I leading. All I know is I have some resources off-shore and some resources On-shore (not sure when they are going to start). I feel like asking whois going to do the work till they start on this project. Anyways now I am trying to remap the requirements and see what candelivered and what cannot. It feels as if there is so much unknown in this project that it would grow beyond proportion and at some point I would say 'Do hell with it... I ain't going for a ride'. Right now I am still trying to stay positive and hopefully things turn around for me and for this project.
And yea today is the official Kick-off and nobody was here until
good luck.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

My proj with Infy


I started this project with Infy and believe me it was a change. The work culture is so different from all the other clients that I have worked with. The client gave a seating area which is about 5 ft by 15 ft and Infy cramped about 10 - 12 people in there for the time being. Honestly I could not sit there for long so I moved to the first cube that was temporarily made available. Nothing wrong about the project but the work culture sucks and it looks like a production line or a call center job rather than a high end BI project. No matter how cheap the offshoring is it still is not right to treat employees like the way infy treats. I believe they shouldn't have got more people at the client site unless they know they have comfortable seating place available for each member of the team. The same work culture is so different in american consulting firms. I would say it would be a challenge for people like me for who the experience is first time and first hand, to survive through the life of this project. However I do believe this would help me grow stronger and tough on the inside. As for the project organization I am yet to be impressed by the way things are managed here and honestlyI believe most consulting companies do it the same way. Lets see how far I go with this. One other thing, I was supposed to interview for an insurance client yesterday and the hiring manager dumped me successfully the third time by not doing the interview. This was my chance to get back at UPP - "the suckers" and I asked them not to waste my time unless they have a confirmed interview schedule set. This did make me feel good. Screw you suckers !!!!
catch you next time.... booyakasha!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Excitement in life

hi ,
as days pass by I realized my days are getting more and boring ...wake up... go to work ... pretend as if u are doing something great and interesting ... come back home eat and sleep. finally I found something that keeps me excited atleast for now - investing in stocks. I have made 800$ in a week due to my extraordinary skill in investing and also lost about 600$ doing the same the very next week. So its been quite a ride, and believe looking at DABBU (money) grow makes you feel so good. lets see how it all changes with in the next couple of months. And again I am going back to Atlanta. gotta see how that works out as well.

good luck....

Sunday, April 1, 2007

My days back in columbus

I came back to columbus ohio yesterday, after almost 2 yrs. things have changed here at school new building have come up and some of the old building are up for renovation. It truely feels good to be back in the same place where I first started my life as a student after coming to this country called the US far far away from the near and dear ones. Feels miserable moreso becuase I saw the movie 'Namesake' about a Indian guy who comes over to US and is trying to find the true meaning of life. Anyways I think starting this blog is good for me and hopefully all this would help me remember all the pleasant times that I had so far enjoyed in life.

good luck.....