Saturday, June 9, 2007

My proj with Infy


I started this project with Infy and believe me it was a change. The work culture is so different from all the other clients that I have worked with. The client gave a seating area which is about 5 ft by 15 ft and Infy cramped about 10 - 12 people in there for the time being. Honestly I could not sit there for long so I moved to the first cube that was temporarily made available. Nothing wrong about the project but the work culture sucks and it looks like a production line or a call center job rather than a high end BI project. No matter how cheap the offshoring is it still is not right to treat employees like the way infy treats. I believe they shouldn't have got more people at the client site unless they know they have comfortable seating place available for each member of the team. The same work culture is so different in american consulting firms. I would say it would be a challenge for people like me for who the experience is first time and first hand, to survive through the life of this project. However I do believe this would help me grow stronger and tough on the inside. As for the project organization I am yet to be impressed by the way things are managed here and honestlyI believe most consulting companies do it the same way. Lets see how far I go with this. One other thing, I was supposed to interview for an insurance client yesterday and the hiring manager dumped me successfully the third time by not doing the interview. This was my chance to get back at UPP - "the suckers" and I asked them not to waste my time unless they have a confirmed interview schedule set. This did make me feel good. Screw you suckers !!!!
catch you next time.... booyakasha!!!

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