Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The pain of losing money

I guess I have survived the last couple of blows that Wall street has been giving me.... man... loss of over 1200$ and still counting. The good thing about the whole episode is I can still see the positives in this... lol... yea I am stilltrading and learning my lessons the hard way. My main problem is I do not have internet access at work for like a week nowand so there is no way I know what has happened all through the day... and only get to see my DABBU disappear after a dayswork trying to make it. Well wish me luck .... and I will do the same when time comes.

I think the title would have been better if it said "The pain of losing DABBU that you made while sleeping". I am open to suggestions.



Sajid Akhtar said...

it ws wonderful going through ur blog....i appreciate ur sharing...
I'm 2001 passout of Kalinga Public school...visit my blog

Unknown said...

well well good that you are learning some thing new. and as they say every thing come at a price.